Summer Camp FAQs

  • Marinwood Community Services District

Summer Camp FAQs

How do I register my child for camp?
There are three ways to register:
-Online registration at (Recommended—typically the fastest registration method)
-Register in person at the Community Center
-Mail, fax or email a registration form (complete with full payment).

What if the camp I want is full?
If a desired camp session is full, you will see an option to add your child to the waiting list (at no cost). We will contact you via email if a spot becomes available and you will have until 10:00am the next business day to claim your spot. If we don't hear from you in time, we will remove you from the waitlist and contact the next person.
To expedite the waitlist process, in early May we will purge the waitlist of all those no longer interested. We will email you at that time asking you to confirm your continued interest in remaining on the waitlist. Anyone who asks to be removed or fails to respond will be removed and everyone else will move up, respectively.
On June 4th the waitlist will be discontinued altogether and any camp openings thereafter can be registered for online on a first come, first served basis. Anyone looking for camp spots after June 4th will be able to browse the registration site for available camp sessions.

Can I drop in for a day of camp?
No, Marinwood will not be accepting drop-in registrations. Campers must be registered for the full session.

Interested in sponsoring a fellow camp family?
Please consider donating to our scholarship fund to help send a child to camp. Donate online or at the Community Center.

Do you offer sibling or other discounts?
Yes, we offer discounts for siblings and pool members.
Sibling Discount: $25 off per session for each additional child you enroll. The discount only applies if registering siblings for the same camp session.
Pool Member Discount: $25 off per session. Must have pool membership prior to camp registration. Camper must have an individual pool membership or be listed on a family or couple membership for the 2025 season. Please see the pool membership page for how to join the pool.

Do you offer camp scholarships or financial aid?
A limited number of partial scholarships are available based on financial need. All requests are kept strictly confidential. An application can be downloaded from our website at Only complete applications will be reviewed. Please email for more information.

What is your refund policy? How do I make camp changes?
All refund and change requests must be made in writing and can be emailed to We will not process refunds or changes over the phone. Cancellations made more than 6 business days prior to the beginning of the camp session will result in a $35 per session per camper fee. Cancellations made less than 6 business days prior to the beginning of the camp session will result in the forfeiture of half the camp session fee per camper. No refunds will be granted after 5:00pm the Thursday before the camp session begins. All camp change requests must be made in writing and are subject to a $10 handling fee. Marinwood does not prorate camp sessions. If only cancelling Before Care, After Care, or both, cancellation fee is $5, $8, or $12/week respectively. 

Session # Last Day to cancel by 5pm ($35 fee)
1: 6/16-6/20 Friday, 6/6
2: 6/23-6/27 Friday, 6/13
3: 6/30-7/3 Friday, 6/20
4: 7/7-7/11  Friday, 6/27
5: 7/14-7/18 Thursday, 7/3
6: 7/21-7/25 Friday, 7/11
7: 7/28-8/1 Friday, 7/18
8: 8/4-8/8 Friday, 7/25
9: 8/11-8/15 Friday, 8/1

If my child is enrolled in a half day specialty camp, can they join a day camp for the second half of the day? 
Yes, this is an option for specialty camps located at Miller Creek Middle School that run from 9:00-12:00pm and if the Marinwood day camp has space or you are already enrolled in a Marinwood camp. The camper may attend Marinwood's camp from 12:00-3:00pm for the week of the specialty camp for a prorated amount. Camp staff will escort the camper to Marinwood's camp at noon. Campers must be enrolled in both Marinwood's camp and the specialty camp first, then email for the prorated refund. The half day Marinwood camp fee will be $213 for residents and $240 for non-residents for the session.

Where and when can I pick up my camper's t-shirts?
Camp shirts will be availablee for pickup starting in May at the Community Center during business hours (Mon-Fri, 9-5pm). For safety, campers are required to wear a Marinwood camp t-shirt daily. Campers will receive 2 shirts per summer with the option of purchasing additional camp shirts for $10. Pick up camp shirts at the Marinwood Community Center. Marinwood highly recommends picking up camp shirts before the first day of camp.

What should my camper bring with them every day?
Campers should come wearing appropriate camp attire. A Marinwood camp shirt and closed toe shoes are mandatory. Campers should bring a labeled backpack containing a snack, lunch, water bottle, swimsuit, towel, and sunscreen. Please try and limit camper's belongings to one backpack/bag. Younger campers should bring an extra set of clothes.

Are there any other requirements for campers to attend?
All campers must be potty trained (no diapers or pull-ups). Parents/guardians will be required to fill out an online camper information and consent form from the ePACT network before attending. All participants (3rd grade and younger) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at check-in each day at the community center. Campers are not allowed to attend if ill.

How does check-in and check-out work?
All participants (3rd grade and younger) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at check-in each day at the community center. Campers are not allowed to attend if ill. For more information, please read the Camp Parent Packet.

Campers must be checked in with their Camp Director. Check-in will take place from 9:00-9:20am.
*Campers may be checked in after this time, but it is a parent's responsibility to locate the camp to drop them off.
Campers must be checked out with camp staff before leaving. Check-out will take place from 2:50-3:05pm. If your camper is not picked up by 3:05pm, they will be sent to After Care and you will be charged a late drop-in AC fee of $25.

Do you offer Before and/or After Care?
Yes, Before Care runs from 8:00-9:00am and After Care from 3:00-5:00pm for additional fees. Please see our Before and After Care page for more information.

Can my child take swim lessons during the camp day?
Yes, you may enroll in group or private lessons during the camp day for an additional fee. Camp staff will escort campers to lessons that take place between 10:45am and 2:25pm and if enrolled in After Care, from 3:30-4:30pm. Parents are responsible for escorting campers to any swim lessons scheduled at 2:30pm or 3:00pm- no exceptions. Please visit swim lesson page for additional information.

How does swimming work at camp?
Parents must give permission for their camper to swim in the Marinwood main and tot pools. Camps Pine Cone and Miwok swim only in the tot pool. Camps Willow, Buckeye, Bumblebee, and Acorn have the option of tot pool or main pool. All other camps exclusively use the main pool. Campers must pass a swim test (uninterrupted swim of 25 yards) to be able to swim in the deep end and go down the water slides. Campers may be asked to retake the swim test for camp, even if they have previously passed in another setting.

Can I order lunch for my child?
Yes. Marinwood CSD has partnered with BOONLI to provide online lunch ordering. All lunches are provided by our local Marinwood Market. You can choose how many days a week you want lunch provided. Orders must be submitted by 10:00am the Friday before the session begins. Online ordering will be available closer to the summer through the Marinwood website. No late orders will be accepted. Please pack a morning snack, as lunch will not arrive until noon. 

What if my child has a food allergy?
Our number one priority is the safety of your child. Camp staff take precautions and preventative measures to ensure the safety of all campers. We practice a no share snack and lunch policy, where we talk with our campers about keeping our food to ourselves, educate our staff about monitoring during snack and lunch time, and campers will wash hands after meals.
Please indicate any allergies or medical conditions on your camper's ePACT online form so we can be aware of how to best support and provide for your child.

Don't forget about Hot Dog Fridays!
Take the hassle out of making lunch at the end of the week with Marinwood's $6 Hot Dog Meal. Marinwood will be grilling up all natural, nitrate free hot dogs on the barbecue every Friday. Hot Dog Meals include a hot dog, organic juice, and all-natural chips. A vegeterian hot dog or gluten free bun option is also available. To purchase, please bring exact change and give it to the Camp Director on Friday morning. Don't forget to send snack with your camper on Fridays. We will be offering Friday Hot Dog Days all summer except for July 5. 

For more information regarding Marinwood’s summer camps, please review the Camp Parent Packet on the Summer Day Camps page.