Before and After Care

Before and After Care

For any camper (must be enrolled in a Marinwood 9-3pm day camp) needing extended care this summer, Marinwood is offering Before and/or After Care, during which time campers will participate in organized games, board games, toy time, and more. Participants must enroll for the entire session and must register by the deadlines outlined in the box below. The registration deadline for Before and/or After Care will be 5:00pm the Thursday before a given session begins. Daily snack provided in After Care.

No drop-ins for Before Care or After this summer. Campers must be registered for entire week by each session deadline (see chart below).
Late Fees: If you are late picking up your child (after 5:00pm), you will be charged $1 for every minute you are late. No exceptions will be made.

Cancellation Fee: $10 fee if cancelling solely After Care. Otherwise, if cancelling day camp and After Care, then only day camp cancellation fees apply.   

Before Care: 8:00-9:00am
After Care: 3:00-5:00pm

After Care Age Groups
After Care will be split up based on age groups. Please register for the age-appropriate group.
3 years- Kindergarten (Camps Pine Cone, Miwok, Buckeye, Willow)
1st-7th Grades (Camps Acorn, Bumblebee, Arrowhead, Manzanita, Huckleberry, Red Fox, Sequoia, Mighty Oak, Marinwood)


Before Care Fee/Session: $55 Session 3 Fee: $44 $5 Sibling Discount/Session
After Care Fee/Session: $110 Session 3 Fee: $88 $5 Sibling Discount/Session
Before & After Care Fee/Session: $157 Session 3 Fee: $126 $10 Sibling Discount/Session

Before Care: Community Center Main Room (Ages 1st-7th Grade) and Classroom (Ages 3-K). All campers should check in at the marin room first. 
After Care: Near Marinwood Community Center or Park. Starting around 4:15pm, all After Care campers will be located at the playground. 

Registration Deadlines

Session # Registration Deadline Cancellation Deadline
1: 6/16-6/20 Thursday, June 12 Friday, June 6
2: 6/23-6/27 Thursday, June 19 Friday, June 13
3: 6/30-7/3 Thursday, June 26 Friday, June 20
4: 7/7-7/11 Thursday, July 3 Friday, June 27
5: 7/14-7/18 Thursday, July 10 Thursday, July 3
6: 7/21-7/25 Thursday, July 17 Friday, July 11
7: 7/28-8/1 Thursday, July 24 Friday, July 18
8: 8/4-8/8 Thursday, July 31 Friday, July 25
9: 8/11-8/15 Thursday, August 7 Friday, August 1

Cancellations: If only cancelling Before Care, After Care, or both, cancellation fee is $5, $8, or $12/week respectively. 

Register Here