Election procedure and deadlines

  • Marinwood Community Services District

Election procedure and deadlines

Marinwood Community Services District is governed by a five-member Board of Directors. Directors are publicly elected by Marinwood residents who are registered to vote. As a special district, MCSD consolidates their elections with the County of Marin. The county Election Office/Registrar of Voters manages elections and ballot measures pertaining to the District and provides the following services:

  • Registers voters, conducts voter outreach, and maintains the voter rolls;
  • Conducts federal, state, county, city, school, and district elections which includes: candidate filing, locating polling places, recruiting poll workers, mailing ballots, and processing and counting official ballots;
  • Verifies signatures on state and local initiatives and nominating and recall petitions;
  • Maintains campaign finance information on office holders, candidates, and measures as required by the Fair Political Practices Commission.

If you are interested in being a candidate for the Board of Directors please contact the Marin County Elections Department for specific and current information:

Elections Department
3501 Civic Center Drive Suite 121
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: (415) 473-6456
Fax: (415) 473-6447
TTY: (415) 473-6899